Vital Vagina Program


Explore the depths of feminine healing with VITAL VAGINA: Gynofascial Self-Healing Practices for Gyno Chiros, a comprehensive self-led program for current or aspiring Gyno Chiro practitioners.

This program invites you on a voyage into the heart of the feminine healing realm. Using your own body, the five elements, and nature’s patterns as your wayfinder, you will practice applying elemental harmony to your personal healing practices.

Through a series of carefully crafted practices, you'll engage with elements and the fractal cycle patterns of nature, discovering how each can enhance your personal healing journey and professional practice in Gyno Chiropractic.
Perfect for anyone ready to embark on a transformative path of discovery, grounding, and empowerment in preparation for offering Gyno Chiropractic in your practice.

Designed for practitioners eager to enrich their grasp of Gyno Chiropractic pelvic floor bodywork, blend gynofascial healing into their self-care repertoire, and navigate inner realms through the wisdom of the natural world in order become a centered and rooted resource of healing for your community as you work with clients in this deep space.

You will go beyond mere intellectual comprehension of techniques; it's designed to guide you through a transformative descent into the inner realms. You're not just learning—you're embarking on a path to reclaim your vitality, applying these practices to first heal yourself. This program promises a profound deepening of your capabilities as chiropractors, empowering you to self-heal and revitalize your being from the inside out.


  • Self-Led: Flexible, go-at-your-own-pace material detailing gynofascial self-healing practices and an interactive guidebook encourages you to process and integrate the material in a deep way.
  • Comprehensive Practices: Dive into richly detailed wisdom and practices that explore the elemental matrix of your body and nature itself. Each section is crafted not only to enhance your intellectual understanding but to guide you in actively experiencing and integrating these practices. This isn't just learning about the elemental practices; it's about embodying them to achieve a centered, rooted balance in your system on all levels.
  • Accompanying Guidebook: Enhance your journey with an interactive workbook designed to deepen your engagement and reflection with each lesson. This hands-on resource encourages you to record your insights, mirror and reflect your progress, and truly connect with the transformative process of harmonizing your internal cycles with the natural world around you.
  • Practical Exercises: Engage with real world, hands-on activities that bring the theory into vivid reality. These practices are tailored to help you ground yourself and establish a deep, tangible connection with each of the five elements. By actively participating, you'll foster a profound sense of grounding and presence within your body, moving beyond philosophy into the heart of elemental living.
  • Expert Guidance: Insights from the founders of Gyno Chiropractic and connection with a collective of practitioners with a wide variety of expertise called to the same mission.


  • Deepened Connection with Nature: Learn how to harness the feminine healing powers of the natural world.
  • Personal Growth and Healing: Navigate through your own healing process with guided practices for sustainable energy as you work with others.
  • Prepare for Gyno Chiro Training: Learn to incorporate elemental practices into your life to expand your ability to hold space and process through what comes up for you when doing this deep work—for yourself and others.
  • Self-empowerment: Equip yourself with tools to manage and work through the physical and energetic layers stored in the neurofascial patterns rooted in the pelvic floor.
  • Access to a Supportive Collective: Share experiences, challenges, and victories with fellow participants.

Course Breakdown


Overview of the concept of the feminine healing realm and the Gyno Chiro 5 Elements Fractal.

Learn About Nature’s Fractal Patterns of Being

Learn about the lunar and seasonal cycles of nature and how that relates to the menstrual cycle and the female life span.

Diving Deep into Each Element

Detailed exploration and practices to help you balance earth, water, air, fire, and ether energies within and without in order to BEAM vitality from the root.

Integration and Application

Bring it all together by actively working with these patterns of being and the elements to restore harmony to your body and energy field in deep, sustainable ways.


    • I absolutely LOVE Dr. Danielle and can't say enough good things about her! She provides a safe, loving, and compassionate environment for healing. - Stacy
    • Dr. Danielle is an integral healer in my self-care regimen. I am so great full for her wisdom and healing presence. It is a blessing to do this work with someone that is awakened and doing her own work! Thank you for your bravery Danielle!😍 - Kathy
    • Dr. Danielle is a modern wise woman, blending wisdom cycles of nature with women's health. Her work is a harmonious blend of physical bodywork and energy work and intuitive guidance. I'm blessed to have found her! - Jamie

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Answers to common questions about the course, what to expect, how to prepare, and how to maximize the learning experience.

    Can anyone take this program? This course is currently open to chiropractors who want to deepen their own healing capacity in order to get started on their journey to become a Certified Gyno Chiro.

    Is there anything I need to do in preparation for the Vital Vagina self-healing program? Only your desire to learn more about Gyno Chiro self-healing practice; but do expect to take the time to actually work the practices and integrate the healing into your life for best results.

    How is this program delivered? You will get access to an area of our virtual Collective space where you will get access to all the materials and be able to connect with other program members.

      About the Creator

      Dr. Danielle Cornelius is the founder of Gyno Chiropractic and has been working with the gynofascial system for over 13 years. After noticing a severe lack of quality women’s health support within Chiropractic outside of pregnancy, even though the pelvic floor is intimately connected to the base of the spine, she went on a quest for feminine healing techniques. After learning with a variety of people and resources, and after working with over a thousand women, she created the Gyno Chiro Training program to support other chiropractors who feel the call to this deep work in all the ways she was missing mentorship herself so that future Gyno Chiros do not have to go through the same struggle she did. Vital Vagina is a self-healing resource design to support those who are supporting others in this deep way.

      Pricing and Enrollment

      • Program price: $330
      • Includes lifetime access to self-guided program + accompanying guidebook + our collective
      • Sign up now to get on the waitlist for when this course drops on May 24, 2024 and get the program for $150. Price goes up to $150 on May 24, 2024.